Tham khảo Dãy Sidon

  1. Erdős, P.; Turán, P. (1941), “On a problem of Sidon in additive number theory and on some related problems” (PDF), J. London Math. Soc. 16: 212–215, doi:10.1112/jlms/s1-16.4.212 . Addendum, 19 (1944), 208.
  2. O'Bryant, K. (2004), “A complete annotated bibliography of work related to Sidon sequences” (PDF), Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 11: 39 
  3. Cilleruelo, J.; Ruzsa, I.; Vinuesa, C. (2010), “Generalized Sidon sets” (PDF), Advances in Mathematics 225: 2786–2807 
  4. Ajtai, M.; Komlós, J.; Szemerédi, E. (1981), “A dense infinite Sidon sequence”, European Journal of Combinatorics 2 (1): 1–11, MR 0611925 .
  5. Ruzsa, I. Z. (1998), “An infinite Sidon sequence”, Journal of Number Theory 68: 63–71, MR 1492889, doi:10.1006/jnth.1997.2192 .
  6. Erdős, P.; Rényi, A. (1960), “Additive properties of random sequences of positive integers” (PDF), Acta Arithmetica 6: 83–110, MR 0120213 .